The greatest pride of the people and monks in Rangdum lies in those children who, upon leaving that little school of miracles, have been admitted to secondary schools. They have dedicated themselves so much and have overcome so many obstacles in their way, including isolation and widespread ignorance–even hostility–from those who didn’t understand the value of education. But in order to continue their studies, they must live away from home–almost all of them in Leh–where they have to find lodging and feed themselves, with consequent costs that their parents struggle to cover.


We are looking for mother-tongue teachers willing to spend at least one month living in rustic conditions in Leh.

We are happy to have contributed to the conditions that allow young people to choose their own destinies–especially considering that before their only possible destiny was herding sheep.

We are even happier that this group of young people that are now in secondary school consists nearly entirely of girls!