We were still in Leh to organize your trip to Rangdum. Going back to our guest house, we discover that someone is waiting for us. We speed our steps on the path that leads to the bloomed garden of the family of Tsewang, which overlooks our room, we do not see anyone. Then we look up and, on the terrace where we love having tea and gazing over the mountains, we see appearing, one by one, seven graceful creatures … they are our girls… we do not see them since many years because they have finished studying at Rangdum and now they are in high school in Leh.
They are so beautiful!
Choskit, Yangzes, Tsering, Dolma, Palmo, Angmo e Zangmo, descend subheading whispering among themselves, and, undecided whether to smile or cry, they come to say hello. They are graceful, polite, dressed with care … a bit ’embarrassed but they want to express all their gratitude. We are overwhelmed by a wave of emotion and thanksTheir life is not easy because they live away from home throughout the year, and in any case, when they have vacation from school, they can not return to Rangdum because the road is closed in winter.
Despite everything, they are determined to continue their studies to become what they want (like almost all the children of Rangdum, they would like to become teachers or doctors), especially in order to improve the future of their village.
A meeting that confirmed to us that all that has been done, has given, and will continue to give, beautiful and unexpected results… it is worth it!